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2011/12 Tax Guide
Deductions and




 We are pleased to welcome you to our Clients' website.

 Joe Paterno,football coach
"The Will To Win
is important,
but the will to
prepare is vital."


Consent Disclosure Form

  Federal law requires this consent form be provided to you. Unless authorized by law, I cannot disclose, without your consent, your tax return information to third parties.

 Click here for Consent Disclosure Form



        Is there a penalty if a company does not issue its 1099s by the January deadline?  


       The question opens a can of worms. Forms 1099-B, 1099-S and certain 1099-MISC aren’t required to be provided until February 15 .. but

     There are two dates that apply for annual information returns--each with its own penalty. Those are the dates the forms should be provided to recipients
and the dates the forms should be submitted to the IRS.

     The penalty for failure to furnish and failure to file are each $50 (potential total of $100) to a maximum of $100,000 (potential total of $200,000). Since the information provider is giving helpful information for tax compliance, the IRS is fairly relaxed in imposing these penalties. The IRS routinely asks for the information returns in an audit of business taxable income, and will routinely propose to disallow deductions when a required information return hasn’t been issued.

 The IRS loves information returns as a way of identifying unreported income.

     Congress recently enacted legislation extending information reporting to payments for all goods and services by businesses, including payments to corporations, effective starting in 2012. These rules threaten to eradicate the forests of the Earth. We should all ask our representatives in Congress to support repealing the new requirements before they become effective.



The following links may be of interest to you!
Yearly Physical Inventory
4Updated for 2010 Year End Business Letter
42010 Individual Year End 1040 Letter
4Missing or Unclaimed Money-Search States
4Official Site to Roth IRA Home Page







    If you were sent an email follow the link contained therein for information pertaining to your particular situation.